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“Henry Wiens' music refreshes my spirit like a spring rain. Daily listening brings me comfort and strength.”

Spring Rain

D. Edwards MI

"I was so pleased to find your web site that enabled me to give something meaningful. Flowers are beautiful, but last only days. Music lives on like the spirit & gives peace to the soul."

K. Johnson CA

"Henry Wiens' is the best I have found - very comforting and uplifting!


B. Strike, Strike Funeral Homes MN

"Henry Wiens' soothing and relaxing improvisations have a unique way of quieting and speaking to one's soul. His sensitive and unique musical touch provides the listener an oasis of contemplation that leaves them refreshed and comforted."

P. Johnson MN

"My 15 yr old daughter listened to 'The Quiet Heart' for 48 hours straight after her nine hour, spinal fusion surgery. It was the only thing that helped her deal with the intense pain, and enabled her at last to sleep."

S. Gray OH
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