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In Memory of Rev. Henry P. Wiens

"Loved ones' lives are like a song...every note rare and precious."

This page has been created to honor the memory and celebrate the life of the late Henry Peter Wiens.

You may want to share memories or condolences or simply reflect on his life while listening to peaceful music. This is a time and a place to remember our Dad and Grandpa.

Please select music from the album below, as desired. The song "Seek Ye First" is especially dedicated to Dad's memory because Matthew 6:33 was our parents' life verse.

"Where words speaks."

Remembering Dad and Mom

Obituary Link


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3 thoughts on “Henry P. Wiens

  1. Henry Wiens

    For my Facebook friends – I didn’t include the many wonderful memories actually posted on this page by family and friends because of confidentiality. Also, I would have included my Dad’s obituary but he died of Alzheimer’s in 1994 before obituaries were put online. (see more info below)

  2. Henry Wiens

    Choose VIEW WEBPAGES from the menu at the top of this page to explore options. Choose ORDER WEBPAGES to place an order. Use discount coupon = FATHERS DAY. Total cost is only $19.95 (60% off)

    Have questions? You can text anytime at 612-868-7166. Or call me from 8AM – 5PM, Eastern Time zone.

  3. Henry Wiens

    Last, choose GRIEF VIDEOS from the menu if you’d like to view any of 12 supportive, educational videos about grief and loss. You are welcome on this website anytime, whether or not you purchase anything. (Physical, personalized CDs and additional cards are available but not included with this FATHERS DAY special offer)